November 03, 2002
Law & Order: Criminal Intent


Caught tonight's episode MALIGNANT about a pharmacist who dilutes cancer drugs so he can fund his church project to build a basketball court [?]. This show can be a hit-and-miss affair, but sometimes its really good, like this one. I can remember reading about this case in the news not so long ago, what a horrible thing to do. But what I wanted to say is Vincent D'Onofrio is the one who really makes this show worth watching. The way he tilts his head at people when he asks some sarcastic, rhetorical questions cracks me up. And he's always pulling these wacky stunts, like buying a lighter in the pharmacy and trying to set off the sprinklers. Or jumping in the wrestling ring and trying to get the young kid to go a couple rounds. [he's a big boy] Hilarious, not sure how legal that shit would be in real life but it is pretty funny on the show. Sometimes I think they rely on him too much to carry the show, but when they put together a good script, it makes for some very entertaining television. The best part on this show was at the end, when they confront the pharmacist in front of his fellow churchgoers and Goren says "...who knows, maybe they'll [pause] forgive you!". Just dripping with sarcasm, totally humiliating this poor schmuck in front of his peers, although he deserved it, the bastard. Good stuff.

Posted by Fungii at November 03, 2002 08:27 PM | TrackBack
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