December 31, 2002
Coke is for Jews, Pepsi is for Arabs

Holy shit, I think I'm Jewish!

Posted by Fungii at December 31, 2002 07:52 PM | TrackBack

i think both are trying to destroy islam andmuslim so i hate both of them

Posted by: sajid on February 2, 2003 01:22 PM

Both Coke and Pepsi are trying to destroy Islam? I highly doubt it, they're both corporations who only care about making money. They couldn't care less about the religion of their patrons. Do you really think Muslims should boycott a company because they service a demand in Israel, or vice versa? This is religious intolerance taking to a ridiculous extreme. Pure silliness.

Posted by: Fungii on February 2, 2003 03:26 PM
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